Monday, July 13, 2015

Botanical Garden

 (Top no brand, skirt from H&M Trend, heels from Agape Boutique)

 A long overdue post, this is. Have graduated from my A-Levels programme for a month now, having roughly 2-3 months break before entering university. During this time, I've been travelling with my friends. There are so many travelling posts that I am working now. I promised one of my friends to blog once a week or even more frequently since she was complaining that I have been procrastinating too much (and I admitted too). So do expect some updates from my blog! 

I shot this series of pictures quite some time ago when my hair was still brown. This skirt from H&M Trend is my favourite skirt at the moment. It is exotic, unique and it has gained many compliments from a lot of people. Also, this is my first item from the H&M Trend collection. If you haven't already heard about H&M Trend, it has a white label and the quality is better than the normal range. 

Photographed by Hui Yee Teo, editing by me. 

Thong Jean


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